Saturday, June 20, 2009

Best "New Rules" Segment of the Season - Bill Maher

The gist of it being, something I've been saying for many, many years now. Decades, even. That the fanatics in the GOP have moved the Republican Party so far to the right they're now, officially, off the charts. But since they're so good at their own hype, their bullying tactics have moved the Democratic Party to the right, as well. So now, the Democrats are more of a "centrist right" party while the GOP is just too insane to be believed, or trusted, about much of anything. So now what do we have? One conservative party (The Democrats) and another party that's just bat-shit crazy.

That's not to say Republicans in general are this way. Most Republicans are just as reasonable & intelligent as are most Democrats - but the fringe on the right has succeeded in making both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party very conservative - leaving Liberals with no real representation.

I'm still happy Obama is President. And I'm sure I'll continue to support him and will be happy to vote for him again. But when I hear Republican and/or Conservative talking head pundits going on and on about how Liberal the Democrats are - I will continue to think, "would that it were."

- Jayson Tanner

Follow me on Twitter - mystic23

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