Friday, July 17, 2009

The Sotomayer Hearings

You'd think I'd be blogging more. The Sonia Sotomayer confirmation hearings would probably be my big topic - if I was at all interested in the process. I'm not, really. But it's really cool to see Al Franken in the Senate - finally. It's wonderful that a Latin female is going to sit on the Supreme Court. Though, I'm way ahead of you. I'd personally like to see a couple of Rastafarians, an Asian Tranny and at least one American Indian up there.

The only angle I can think to write about is how much she was attacked from the right, even though she has no real record of being a leftist or a Liberal. And I wonder if there's manipulation going on. Does the right now get the left so worked up defending someone they really don't have a problem with in the first place? I mean, is it a part of their "strategery" (as GWB would put it)? She was appointed to a post by George Herbert Walker Bush, of all people, who says that the attacks by "some people" (he doesn't mention they're his own friends, like Rush Limbaugh) have been unfair. It's interesting to me that the Left has been so busy defending her from ridiculous attacks by those very same "some people" on the Right - that the conversation from the Left never managed to be about if she'd be a Progressive or mainstream or Conservative. My guess is she will be very mainstream and agree with the Conservatives in the Supreme Court more often than the Liberals - if you can call them Liberal.

Liberal these days seems to mean: anyone who doesn't agree with Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. And other "some people". What? John McCain said something positive about Sotomayer? He's off the reservation! A Liberal sympathizer! And the Left is dragged even further to the Right to the point where there's only a few Liberals in public office, in any branch of Government.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been following the Sotomayer confirmation hearings at the interest of not forming "biased" opinions that should only be made in the event we have the privilege of seeing the "change" in the Supreme Court that we all hope for....

    Only time will tell....

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