Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Rush L., G. Beck, S. Palin, Teabag, Birther Conspiracy to Kill the GOP

It must be a liberal conspiracy, right? The more some of these people carry on with their crazy fake outrage about that mythical "other America" that's supposedly destroying the equally mythical "real America" - the less powerful and less relevant the Republican Party becomes. This attack-anything-that-moves political grandstanding by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, etc, etc, etc... is only serving to devalue the party of which they claim to be staunch defenders.

So, my new theory, which I will believe until proven wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt, is that all these and other such characters are merely plants. They aren't really conservatives or Republicans. They are undercover liberals and Democrats, sent to destroy the Republican Party from within. Fear not, my fellow Dems and Libs - these people are on our side! They're on a secret mission and it .... IS ..... Working!

Last I checked there were only 5 states solidly in the corner of the Republican party. 37 States are leaning toward or solidly backing the Democrats. Only a few are undecideds. Even Texas is going to be a swing state in 2010.

So, good work, Comrade Rush. Good work, Sarah Palin. Good work Ann Coulter and Glenn Beck. And to all of you. You are bringing down the GOP. The more you spout your insane drivel the more you drive people away from the party of Nixon and Reagan and I give you a standing ovation for that. Thanks. Godspeed.

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